Sunday 29 August 2010

Lascannon: scratch your own

When you're building a large number of superheavy vehicles, as I am, then you will probably need a large number of lascannons. Where to get them? Well, you can use leftovers from previous builds, or buy new ones or you can do what I've been doing this afternoon: making my own. I used just a saw, some glue, a knife and two diameters of plasticard tube: 4.0 and 5.5 mm. I cut an inch long piece of the 4.0mm tube, three small slivers of the 5.5mm tube to form what I assume is a radiator common to all lascannon, and then a flash suppressor from 5.5mm tube. Mine is 3/8" long from the top of the front to the back, and 1/8"at the bottom. I used a saw at a 45 degree angle to cut the flash suppressors, as I'm terrible at doing it properly with a knife! Conversely, the saw was too inaccurate to cut the slivers I needed to make the radiator, so I carefully scored them myself. I've made 8 so far, and have the same number to complete.



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