Monday 18 September 2017

Model Memorial

I think this is a Great War minischap. Standing at attention like that, he just seemed perfect for a statue, and so that is what he has become. The stone here is rather rougher than it would be on a statue in real life, but it works for me. Halford's grey is the undercoat. It then received a bit of drybrushing with lighter greys, then a sepia wash and a green wash in some spots. Lastly, some Ushabti Bone as a final drybrush and to create the writing on the front of the memorial finished it off.

Perhaps I'm oddly sensitive, but it strikes me as a rather sad, sombre piece.

Monday 11 September 2017

Ruined statue

I bought this touristy damaged statue a long time ago in Greece. I can't recall who it's supposed to represent, but underneath, it's metal on a marble base. I daubed a mess of filler and sand atop the metal to obscure both the detail and mould lines. I then hit it with some creams, greeny-yellows, greys and browns. It's large enough for individuals to hide behind, as you can see, and would work well for anything Pulp-based. I can see this chap as the forgotten leader of the Atlanteans or whatnot.

Monday 4 September 2017

Steam Launch 2

Pre-painted stage is here. Here's the finished steam launch on the desk and afloat on the wine-dark sea.

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