Wednesday 29 December 2010

Deadly robots, a debonair detective and a ponderous pachyderm

I've been a bit busy working my way through Christmas book gifts these past few days. On Monday I also went out for a long walk with some friends, so I got very little done then. I didn't get round to checking the route out in advance, so it came as a surprise when it transpired that we were walking on ice. The canal path - we avoided the canal - also switched sides a few times, so we had to slip and slide our way up and down several gently inclined bridges. Still, only one of us fell over, and I think we all had a grand time. The pub meal at the end
went down very well, anyway!

Anyway, this evening I have managed finally to assemble an elephant I bought years ago, to repaint a pair of Terminator-esque robots I bought at the same time, to start repainting a detective, and to undercoat half a dozen RN sailors, five Inuit hunters, a couple of alien hunting types, and a few other bits and bobs. I shall insert some pictures into this post after I have caught a few hours of shut-eye.

The robots:


The RN contingent:



Inuit hunters/trackers:


The aliens who prey together stay together:


British Army Lewis Gunners:


An archaeologist, bookended by two detectives:


There's more subtlety to the black of the leftmost detective than can be seen. So here's another attempt at demonstrating it.


A Guardsman who wandered in from a box, and who will eventually man a Sabre AA platform:


Another attempt at black, which inadvertently demonstrates the problems I've been having with photography lately. Sometimes the angle is perfect, and then an instant later dreadful.



A heffalump and German mercenary:


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